@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Form Validation') @section('vendor-style') {{-- Vendor Css files --}} @endsection @section('page-style') {{-- Page Css files --}} @endsection @section('content') Bootstrap Validation Name Looks good! Please enter your name. Email Looks good! Please enter a valid email Password Looks good! Please enter your password. DOB Looks good! Please enter your date of birth. Country Select Country USA UK France Australia Spain Looks good! Please select your country Profile pic Gender Male Female Username @ Please choose a username. Bio Agree to our terms and conditions You must agree before submitting. Submit jQuery Validation Name Email Password Confirm Password DOB Country Select Country USA UK France Australia Spain Profile pic Gender Male Female Bio Agree to our terms and conditions Submit @endsection @section('vendor-script') @endsection @section('page-script') @endsection