@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Date & Time Picker') @section('vendor-style') @endsection @section('page-style') @endsection @section('content') Flatpickr Default Time picker Date & TIme Multiple Dates Range Human Friendly Disabled Range Inline Pick a date Use position-relative class as wrapper of input. The basic setup requires targeting an input element and invoking the picker. Default Format Date Picker Min-Max Date Range Translation Pick-a-date with short string Change First Weekday Select Month & Year Disabled Dates & Weeks Pick a time The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery time input picker. Default Change Formats Format with Label Intervals Disable set of Time Minimum and maximum time range @endsection @section('vendor-script') @endsection @section('page-script') @endsection
Use position-relative class as wrapper of input. The basic setup requires targeting an input element and invoking the picker.
The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery time input picker.