@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Accordion') @section('content')


You may want to open one item at a time, for that you can use accordion.

This is the first item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

This is the second item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

This is the third item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

Icing sweet roll cotton candy brownie candy canes candy canes. Pie jelly dragée pie. Ice cream jujubes wafer. Wafer croissant carrot cake wafer gummies gummies chupa chups halvah bonbon. Gummi bears cotton candy jelly-o halvah. Macaroon apple pie dragée bonbon marzipan cheesecake. Jelly jelly beans marshmallow.

Accordion Without Arrow

Use class .accordion-without-arrow class with .accordion class for accordion without arrow.

Lemon drops chocolate cake gummies carrot cake chupa chups muffin topping. Sesame snaps icing marzipan gummi bears macaroon dragée danish caramels powder. Bear claw dragée pastry topping soufflé. Wafer gummi bears marshmallow pastry pie.

Dessert ice cream donut oat cake jelly-o pie sugar plum cheesecake. Bear claw dragée oat cake dragée ice cream halvah tootsie roll. Danish cake oat cake pie macaroon tart donut gummies. Jelly beans candy canes carrot cake. Fruitcake chocolate chupa chups.

Oat cake toffee chocolate bar jujubes. Marshmallow brownie lemon drops cheesecake. Bonbon gingerbread marshmallow sweet jelly beans muffin. Sweet roll bear claw candy canes oat cake dragée caramels. Ice cream wafer danish cookie caramels muffin.

Pastry pudding cookie toffee bonbon jujubes jujubes powder topping. Jelly beans gummi bears sweet roll bonbon muffin liquorice. Wafer lollipop sesame snaps. Brownie macaroon cookie claw candy canes muffin cupcake candy caramels tiramisu.


Use class .accordion-border class with your card to create a bordered accordion.

Gummi bears toffee soufflé jelly carrot cake pudding sweet roll bear claw. Sweet roll gingerbread wafer liquorice cake tiramisu. Gummi bears caramels bonbon icing croissant lollipop topping lollipop danish. Marzipan tootsie roll bonbon toffee icing lollipop cotton candy pie gummies. Gingerbread bear claw chocolate cake bonbon. Liquorice marzipan cotton candy liquorice tootsie roll macaroon marzipan danish.

Jelly tootsie roll sugar plum sesame snaps apple pie. Icing donut pie sesame snaps. Bonbon gummi bears carrot cake muffin chocolate bar. Cupcake pastry candy bonbon. Sesame snaps dragée biscuit chocolate bar candy canes sesame snaps. Lemon drops cake lollipop pastry tart macaroon gummi bears. Powder cheesecake macaroon candy canes dessert bonbon bonbon candy canes.

Soufflé sugar plum bonbon lemon drops candy canes icing brownie. Dessert tart dessert apple pie. Muffin wafer cookie. Soufflé fruitcake lollipop chocolate bar. Muffin gummi bears marzipan sesame snaps gummi bears topping toffee. Cupcake bonbon muffin. Cake caramels candy lollipop cheesecake bonbon soufflé apple pie cake.

Marzipan candy apple pie icing. Sweet roll pudding dragée icing icing cookie pie fruitcake caramels. Bonbon candy canes candy canes. Dragée jelly beans chocolate bar dragée biscuit fruitcake gingerbread toffee apple pie. Gingerbread donut powder ice cream sesame snaps jelly beans oat cake. Candy wafer pudding dragée gummies. Carrot cake macaroon cake sesame snaps caramels.


To create accordion with margin use .accordion-margin class as a wrapper for your accordion header.

Pastry pudding cookie toffee bonbon jujubes jujubes powder topping. Jelly beans gummi bears sweet roll bonbon muffin liquorice. Wafer lollipop sesame snaps. Brownie macaroon cookie muffin cupcake candy caramels tiramisu. Oat cake chocolate cake sweet jelly-o brownie biscuit marzipan. Jujubes donut marzipan chocolate bar. Jujubes sugar plum jelly beans tiramisu icing cheesecake.

Sweet pie candy jelly. Sesame snaps biscuit sugar plum. Sweet roll topping fruitcake. Caramels liquorice biscuit ice cream fruitcake cotton candy tart. Donut caramels gingerbread jelly-o gingerbread pudding. Gummi bears pastry marshmallow candy canes pie. Pie apple pie carrot cake.

Tart gummies dragée lollipop fruitcake pastry oat cake. Cookie jelly jelly macaroon icing jelly beans soufflé cake sweet. Macaroon sesame snaps cheesecake tart cake sugar plum. Dessert jelly-o sweet muffin chocolate candy pie tootsie roll marzipan. Carrot cake marshmallow pastry. Bonbon biscuit pastry topping toffee dessert gummies. Topping apple pie pie croissant cotton candy dessert tiramisu.

Cheesecake muffin cupcake dragée lemon drops tiramisu cake gummies chocolate cake. Marshmallow tart croissant. Tart dessert tiramisu marzipan lollipop lemon drops. Cake bonbon bonbon gummi bears topping jelly beans brownie jujubes muffin. Donut croissant jelly-o cake marzipan. Liquorice marzipan cookie wafer tootsie roll. Tootsie roll sweet cupcake.


To create accordion which opens on hover use data-toggle-hover="true" as an attribute with your accordion class

Pastry bear claw caramels ice cream pudding candy candy canes wafer ice cream. Topping sesame snaps cookie pastry ice cream toffee jujubes ice cream. Bear claw bonbon cotton candy candy jujubes. Jelly beans candy canes ice cream gummies gingerbread dragée sweet cookie croissant. Chocolate cake macaroon donut candy. Soufflé chocolate bar liquorice lemon drops sweet cookie.

Cake lollipop bonbon icing. Candy canes cookie caramels cookie bonbon liquorice. Jelly-o carrot cake carrot cake carrot cake danish powder. Caramels candy tootsie roll tart chocolate bar candy canes muffin gummies. Liquorice dragée jujubes chocolate bar jelly-o topping. Cotton candy dragée candy pudding tart sweet roll. Chocolate cupcake chocolate jelly-o pastry candy canes cupcake chupa chups.

Cup Cake danish apple pie. Tart pastry sweet roll oat cake marzipan muffin jelly gummies. Carrot cake wafer topping sweet roll cupcake pastry. Biscuit pastry bonbon. Cupcake lollipop topping caramels jelly beans bear claw. Toffee candy canes dessert pastry cheesecake chocolate bar. Candy croissant pastry.

Candy croissant pastry. Cake danish apple pie. Tart pastry sweet roll oat cake marzipan muffin jelly gummies. Carrot cake wafer topping sweet roll cupcake pastry. Biscuit pastry bonbon. Cupcake lollipop topping caramels jelly beans bear claw. Toffee candy canes dessert pastry cheesecake chocolate bar.
@endsection @section('page-script') @endsection