@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'License') @section('content')

Our License Usage

Use of any product you buy from PIXINVENT is bound by the license you purchase. It will allow you the non-exclusive access to use it in your personal as well as client projects.

Number of end products 1 Unlimited 🤩 1
Use in single free end product
Free end product (Can have multiple End Users)
Use in multiple free end product
Use in single end product that’s sold
Create SaaS Application Single
Single License
  • You have rights to use our product for your personal or client project.
  • You can modify our product as per your needs and use it for your personal or client project.

With Single License you will be able to use our product for yourself or your client project for 1 time. If you want to use it for multiple times, you need to buy another regular license every time. Ownership and Copyright of our template will stay with ThemeSelection after purchasing single license. That means you are allowed to use our template in your project and use for one client or yourself,

Multiple License
  • You can use our product for your personal or client project. 😎
  • You can use our product for unlimited projects when end users are not charged.

With Multiple Use License you will be able to use our product for yourself as well as your client projects. You can use product for unlimited projects. Ownership and Copyright of our template will stay with ThemeSelection after purchasing multiple use license. That means you are allowed to use our template in your project and use for multiple clients and yourself, but you are not allowed to create SaaS application and sell that,

Extended License
  • You can use our product for your personal or client project.
  • You cannot resell, redistribute, lease, license or offer the product to any third party.

With Extended License you will be able to use our product for yourself or your client project for one time. You can use it for building one project. Ownership and Copyright of our template will remain with ThemeSelection and that means, you are not allowed to sell, distribute or lease our template as it is to anyone

Do you need custom license? 👩🏻‍💻

If you’ve mass production demand and other custom use cases than we’re here to help you.
